There are many people who drive like they’ve got nothing to lose. Whether they’re driving distracted, under the influence, upset, or just crazy, these people are a pain in the neck to deal with on the road. While it can be easy to give in to road rage, that’s not a safe solution for yourself or your fellow drivers. Instead, here are 5 tips for dealing with unpredictable drivers.
1. Leave them enough space.
If you notice someone driving erratically or speeding from lane to lane, allow them enough space to pass you. It’s more dangerous to try and block the driver from coming into your lane or slowing down to anger them. Rather than getting involved, let their carelessness end in an accident that doesn’t involve you – they’ll learn their lesson eventually.
2. Be extra alert.
A simple way to keep yourself safe on the road is to assume that everyone around you is driving badly. Keep your eyes open for telltale signs of bad drivers, and have a plan in mind for dealing with them. That way, you’ll be able to be proactive if a situation does arise and maintain your own safety around an unpredictable driver.
3. Don’t do anything to provoke them.
Brake checking is a tempting way to get revenge on an unpredictable driver. However, it’s illegal and can end in a horrible accident for all involved (as seen in this gut-wrenching video). Additionally, making a crude gesture out your window is another enticing method of letting the other person know how you feel. However, by provoking the unpredictable driver, you’re putting yourself and those around you in danger. There’s no way of knowing what the other driver may be capable of, so it’s best to keep your frustration inside in these situations.
4. Wait it out if they’re hogging a lane.
We all know how frustrating it can be to drive behind someone going way under the speed limit and refusing to let you pass. However, instead of trying to frantically weave around them, it’s best to just wait for a safe opportunity to pass. It’s incredibly annoying to be stuck behind someone like that, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
5. Kill ‘em with kindness.
If you’re really looking for a way to get back at an unpredictable driver, the best option would be to “kill them with kindness.” Instead of giving them a rude gesture, give a thumbs-up or a wave instead. It’s a passive-aggressive way to let them know how you’re feeling, but it’s far safer than being crude. This is definitely a last resort option, but for those situations where you’re too frustrated to just let it slide, a little positive energy can’t hurt.
Next time you’re on the road, keep these tips in mind when you’re faced with unpredictable drivers. Here at Wave Express, we’re committed to keeping you safe on the road, and we wish you safe and happy driving!
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